Customer Cancelations

Guests may modify or cancel their reservation with no charge up to 14 days prior to the trip. Simply contact us to reschedule the trip or to request a full refund. Depending on the method of payment, refunds may take up to seven days to post to your account.

Trips canceled within 14 days of the trip date, including no shows, will forfeit the full amount of the trip.

Captain Cancellations

The captain may reschedule at his discretion in the event of unsafe weather conditions or unforeseen extenuating circumstances.  In the event that the captain cancels, the captain will give you the option of receiving a refund or rescheduling. 

The time of the trip begins and ends at the dock. If we return to the dock sooner than expected due to sea sickness or other passenger related issues, including inappropriate behavior as determined by the captain at his sole discretion and judgement, you will still be charged for the entire trip. If we are forced to cut the excursion short due to weather, at the captain’s discretion, he will prorate the trip or work with you to reschedule the remaining time.

Children ages eight and up are welcome on the boat. If you have a special circumstance or need regarding a child under the age of 8, please contact us.  

Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. If you have a concern, please notify your captain, and he will make it right!

Remember, your captains work hard for your enjoyment; tips are greatly appreciated.


In consideration of my participation in the guided fishing adventure by Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC, including educational training onshore and guided fishing trips on the water, I agree to the following waiver and release from liability agreement:

I understand that the activities in which I will participate are inherently dangerous and may result in serious or grievous injuries, including sunburn, dehydration, bodily injury and/or disability, drowning, the absence of rapid medical attention or delayed emergency response, damage to personal property, and/or death.  I understand the risks, hazards, and dangers of fishing and boating, and have been given the opportunity to discuss these risks with a representative of Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC by contacting them at or calling them at 936-581-5897 or 713-298-7709 in advance of accepting the terms of the waiver and release from liability agreement.  I understand that I have responsibilities for safe and prudent conduct during the guided fishing adventure and believe that I am in good physical condition and can engage in today’s activities safely.  I am voluntarily participating in the guided fishing adventure with full knowledge of the risks, hazards, and dangers of fishing and boating.

On behalf of myself, my heirs, successors, and assigns, I knowingly and intentionally waive all claims for damages, injuries, and death sustained to me, and any damage to my property.  I hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and forever discharge Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC and its agents, employees, officers, managers, volunteers, successors, and assigns of and from any and all claims, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind and nature, in law or equity, that I ever had or may have, arising from or in any way related to my participation in the fishing adventure, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY KIND OR NATURE of Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC  and its agents, employees, officers, managers, volunteers, successors, and assigns.

I have carefully read, understand, and fully agree to the terms of this waiver and release from liability agreement.  I confirm by signing this agreement that I understand it affects my legal rights, and I have signed this agreement freely, voluntarily, and under no duress.  I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and am mentally competent to enter into this agreement.


In consideration of the participation of the minor named below in the guided fishing adventure by Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC, including educational training onshore and guided fishing trips on the water, I agree, on the minor’s behalf, to the following waiver and release from liability agreement.  In addition, I certify that I am the parent/guardian of the minor named below and have the authority to enter into the agreement on the minor’s behalf.

I understand that the activities in which I will participate are inherently dangerous and may result in serious or grievous injuries, including sunburn, dehydration, bodily injury and/or disability, drowning, the absence of rapid medical attention or delayed emergency response, damage to personal property, and/or death.  I understand the risks, hazards, and dangers of fishing and boating, and have had the opportunity to discuss these risks with a representative of Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC by contacting them at or calling them at 936-581-5897 or 713-298-7709 in advance of accepting the terms of the waiver and release from liability agreement.  I understand that I have responsibilities for safe and prudent conduct during the guided fishing adventure and believe that I am in good physical condition and can engage in today’s activities safely.  I am voluntarily participating in the guided fishing adventure with full knowledge of the risks, hazards, and dangers of fishing and boating.

On behalf of myself, my heirs, successors, and assigns, I knowingly and intentionally waive all claims for damages, injuries, and death sustained to me, and any damage to my property.  I hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and forever discharge Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC and its agents, employees, officers, managers, volunteers, successors, and assigns of and from any and all claims, expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees), causes of action, lawsuits, damages and liabilities, of every kind and nature, in law or equity, that I ever had or may have, arising from or in any way related to my participation in the fishing adventure, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY KIND OR NATURE of Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC  and its agents, employees, officers, managers, volunteers, successors, and assigns.

I have carefully read, understand, and fully agree to the terms of this waiver and release from liability agreement.  I confirm by signing this agreement that I understand it affects my legal rights, and I have signed this agreement freely, voluntarily, and under no duress.

Likeness Provision I GIVE permission to Clear Lake Fishing Charters, LLC to use photos of me in their marketing materials, including their internet website.